Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fell in Love with a Girl

Try to stay cool, there's a pretty girl sitting next to me....
Don't act too interested, she might get the wrong idea....I don't know if I want to be tied down yet, what if I'm just looking to have a good time? Is she down with that? Or does she want a "serious relationship"?
She's beautiful....

Why did Mom dress me in my high shorts today of all days? Why didn't she pick my cool board shorts and muscle tee instead?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Checking In....

We're sorry we haven't checked in lately.... We hope we can make up for our absence by being extra cute for you:


Henry can officially crawl as of 8/19... Let the fun begin.

Fun Moments

Wearing Dad's beanie...
Biting Mom...
Getting ready for an afternoon walk...
Doing some work on the computer....

Chillaxing with Dad....
Contemplating his next piano composition...

Playing with Mr. Frog....


HGGH has had many visitors this summer....

At home with Tia Syl

On the patio with Nana

at Disneyland with Aunt CeeJay

at g-mum's house


HGGH has quite a little face. Each time he puts something to his mouth to chew on, locks his eyes on a new object, samples a new food, or hears a new sound, his face goes through a range of expressions as he rides the waves of discovery. Here are a few favorits from the past 10 weeks

Saturday, May 23, 2009

HGGH turns 4 months

The little man is 4 months this weekend, and he's got quite the personality -- inquisitive, charming, talkative, indignant, high-spirited, eager, attentive, these are just a few of his many lovely qualities. Over the last month HGGH has graduated from smiling to laughing; from gooing to hee-yaying, oooh-gay-ahhhing, and eee-ooo-ahhing; not to mention a couple diaper sizes. His 4 month health checkup is next week, after which we'll report his height and weight. (He's about 14.5 pounds and 25 inches now.)

High Roller...Lit-er-a-lly

After much debate in the Lites household, the high chair was whipped out. Let the record show that the adult males of the household thought HGGH would be "too little" and "unable to sit up" in his new digs. However, the mother chic (I'm not a hen YET) knew how big and strong her little man was and decided to give it a whirl one unsuspecting Saturday afternoon. First of all, thank goodness that no assembly was required, else I would never have forged ahead. Secondly, whoever thought of putting the high chair on wheels is a freakin' genuis. The first thing we did after HGGH was strapped in was go cruising around the living room and kitchen for a ride. Then, I decided to throwing hints at what a high chair is generally for. I placed a picture of a bottle in front of him to observe and gave him his favorite toy to eat... I am happy to report that HGGH is successfully pseudo-eating and lovin' his new ride. He is officially a High Roller.  

Step 1 - Placing HGGH in the chair; getting oriented. Doesn't seem to thrilled just yet.

Step 2 - After being wheeled around the living room, favorite toys are placed in sight.

Step 3 - Paci drops out of mouth and "eating" begins.

Step 4 - Pictures of bottle placed in front of HGGH to drive home the message.